Wednesday, March 25, 2009

He's Our You

Um... wow. What a fundamental shift in message. Or will it become clear that the obvious description of what just happened is wrong?

I don't have time to say more, but I know I will.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Coming back from the 1 week break I'm really excited for tonight.  Namaste is a greeting used in India.  Looking at wikipedia really quickly it seems like they're going to be traveling crazy places tonight and there may be some religious (probably Hindu) undertones. It's gonna be sweet.

Also, I'm looking forward to some tense love parallelogram action going on tonight. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

Ok, so LOST was a repeat this week, so I figured we could use this time to step back and throw out some random thoughts or questions.

Here's one: no one has mentioned any ideas about who Amy's baby is. The person would be 33-ish, since 815 crashed in 2004, it's been three years since then, and the baby was born in 1974. Is it possible that it's Ben, even though we THINK he was born off the island?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

4x08: LaFleur

So, for once we didn't get a preview post up. But wow. That was incredible. So much new stuff to take in! And, Mr. Camp, I was wrong--seems like, for some reason, the same amount of time elapsed for both the O6 and Sawyer's posse. I'll have to think about why that might be.

We still don't know where the rest of the O6 are. We still don't know a lot of things. But, well--the floor is open for discussion now...

With that, I'll go study for my two midterms. I'll have more to say later. In all likelihood, much, much more. :)