Thursday, March 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

Ok, so LOST was a repeat this week, so I figured we could use this time to step back and throw out some random thoughts or questions.

Here's one: no one has mentioned any ideas about who Amy's baby is. The person would be 33-ish, since 815 crashed in 2004, it's been three years since then, and the baby was born in 1974. Is it possible that it's Ben, even though we THINK he was born off the island?


  1. No, we saw his birthing scene as it killed his mom and his dad started blaming him from day one. And she looked different than that right? Even when she haunted young Ben provoking him to go outside the boundaries.

  2. Yeah, I think Ben's ruled out. Is there anyone whose birth remains conspicuously mysterious? I don't know...

  3. Hmm.....I don't really know. On a similar subject, who's Pierre Chang's baby? Miles? That seems to be the most popular theory.


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