Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I thought this one was fantastic. Heartwarming family moments, a very number-filled lighthouse, and Claire brutally murdering someone (who I'm now referring to as "Axey"). A little something for everyone.


  1. I agree. Fun episode!

    Some speculation... I was thinking for a bit that Christian Shephard was the actual candidate #23 (not Jack), but now I'm thinking that it's actually David Shephard who eventually becomes the Island's protector. A few reasons why:
    1) I think that the Losties we've seen in the alternate timelines have already experienced the 2007 timeline, and are either knowingly or unknowingly reliving their lives in the alternate timeline. Thus, Jack's appendectomy scar. Maybe they've been sent back to re-live a life where they groom and support David Shephard.
    2) Jacob has the ability to (like Obi Wan Kenobi) appear and disappear for Hurley. So does David. Or at least, so does Dave, Hurley's friend from the mental hospital.
    3) David is a Red Sox fan (even though he's wearing a Dodgers hat in the strip of photos with Jack Shephard). Already, by itself, almost enough for a divine fate.

    Also, fun to see how crazy and Rousseau'd out Claire (or whoever she is) has become.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "That's not John, that's my friend."


  4. Yeah the actress did a really good job with that Im happily insane kinda facial expressions. "You're still my friend , right Jin?"...."Good, Im Glad we're friends." And Im also excited for Kate's next brawl against her, seeking redemption and finding damnation/death.
    Im curious who David's mother is. And in this alternate will we see more tailies? I really liked Libbie w/ Hurley and legitimately got mad at Michael over that. Im growing tired of how predictably destructive Jack is even though Jacob knew it would happen this time.

  5. Actually, there's something I had forgotten to mention about that Jin/Claire exchange. Is it just me, or does it seem like being Claire's "friend" represents something more? I'm curious to see if Jin is being swayed over to Esau's side (particularly when Claire gives him water/cleans his cut out).


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