Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Package

Wait, Sun can still write in English? What is she writing? That's weird... She says that V returns in 3 minutes and 43 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. haha, that was so frustrating...

    loved keamy & mikhail...

    i watched with a friend who hadn't watched since season 1, hahaha. he got confused. we realized that we had to explain to him that locke wasn't locke, that they'd gotten off the island and then returned, that they'd time-traveled all over the place, that there were now, uh, two universes... yeah, he left after a couple minutes. :)

    no time for more, i'm afraid - but go desmond! i totally called that as soon as widmore said it was a 'who'. :)

    and i also predicted that mikhail's eye would get messed up. that was crazy... and significant. :)


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