Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dead is Dead

I thought this episode was great but kind of confusing.  Not confusing how lost usually is, which is just completely lack of understanding, but more in the way of character development.  I liked young ben, what happened to him??? He saves all the cute little babies but likes to kill people once they're old enough (if a character named Caesar becomes leader, you know hes going to die).  It kind of makes sense though that he wouldn't kill moms with young children or children themselves.  His mom died and he has a horrible relationship with his dad and doesn't want to give any kid that experience, and I don't think not wanting to kill babies is that hard to understand.

I will say this though, the thing with the smoke monster and the flashbacks in it-awful.  It just didn't look right and it was cheesey and all that.  So are we all in agreement that Alex is dead? I just think that was the smoke monster/temple making her show up.  

Speaking of people who might not be dead, I was really mad when it wasn't claire in alex's room because i think that would have been awesome.  

More to come later, I have to run


  1. Yes, Ben's character got a little soft for a brief time there. Bizarre.

    Glad we finally figured out what happened with Ben and Desmond and Penny.

    Weird that Widmore was banished in such a... I don't know, pedestrian manner.

    I thought it was going to be Alex in Alex's room. :) Yes, I still think she's dead.

    Yes, the flashback sequence was cheesy. I didn't really mind, though. I rarely do.

    I was imagining it more like Deus Ex Machina from The Matrix Revolutions, though.

  2. The whole flashback thing was terrible, but I guess it speaks to how good the rest of the show is. I mean, a lot of it has almost movie-quality stuff, so when something as cheesy and "TV" as that comes around, it's a bit jarring. As far as the rest goes though, I thought it was awesome. Just a generally engaging and well-made episode.

  3. Just pointing this out. When Ben and Ethan are going to get Alex, Ethan seems to only be 11 or 12 tops. That means that he becomes an other years before Ben kills the Dharma.

    Could it be that something happens to Horace and Amy causing him to want to leave? Maybe a similar experience as Ben?

  4. I'm also confused as to how the Smoke Monster's control center which is ages old apparently is inside the Dharma territory, I'd expect it to be outside that where the 'Hostiles' have access to it being on the more mystical side of things. I'm surprised how fast Caesar got killed off. Any idea about the shadow business that knocks Frank out? Desmond got knocked out by his groceries being shot that does no harm to him but his face as he beat Ben to a pulp was amazing.

  5. Willy--as far as VFX go, I think they keep it "movie-quality" by keeping it unambitious. The Ajira plane crash was pretty bad CGI. So I don't know whether to blame the conceptual direction or the VFX team for the cheesiness.


    Atticus--wait, isn't the Temple outside the fence? Or do you mean Ben's summoning pool? In which case yes, it's interesting to wonder what Dharma had to do with that, especially since they typically seemed to be trying to keep the monster *out*. And I'm not sure Caesar's dead. People on the island seem pretty... durable. :)

    Everyone else--come on, comment! :)

  6. People may be durable Toph, but did you see the gaping crater in his chest? Looked pretty rough to me. But who knows?


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