Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Little Prince

Hola everyone. As Liz said last time, "it's that time of week again."

Any predictions or thoughts heading into Wednesday's episode?

I have these:
*My new tenuous theory is that Jacob is Locke. Just as Daniel (possibly) saw his own mother when she was a young woman, I think in the cabin last year, Locke sees himself in the future (after he is dead and reincarnated Island-style, like Jack's dad). When Jacob says, "Help me" to Locke, he's talking to a past version of himself. This has nothing to do with this week's episode, though.

*I think we find out that Jin is alive this week. His actor has been in the credits each week, and Carleton Cuse made some comment that Sun 'thinks Jin is dead' in an interview. I feel like that's lame, but ok. Or, maybe he's reincarnated on the Island, like Claire.


  1. OK Camp, thats theory is crazy and I love it.

    Also, the whole Jin thing would actually be a little bit annoying. LIke i was sad when he died and all, but I don't think they can bring *that* many people back like that with out it getting obnoxious. I definitely noticed that "thinks Jin is dead" thing too. That would come into play big with Penny's dad and everything Sun was trying to do. Maybe it will get her back to the island? But also, even if his name is in the credits, he doesn't necessarially come back for another few weeks (Michael was there forever before he was actually there)

    This week's title is interesting. Aaron maybe? But that's too simple so I can only assume it's not about him or about him AND someone else. They're good with those multiple meansings on lost...

  2. I really like the idea of Jacob being Locke, but I've been thinking about some other stuff that might not line up so well with that theory.

    Is it possible that Charlotte's nosebleeds and headaches are happening because she's getting too close (in space and/or time) to another version of herself? My new theory is that we're going to run into that issue soon. Of course, if I'm right, then it might be tough for Locke and Jacob to be the same person...

    This week's title is really interesting. Both Aaron and baby Charlie look like the character from the children's book, so the title might just be a sign that one or both of them will be central to tonight's plot. The children's book (had to read it in French class in high school) has lots of stuff that parallels Lost in strange ways, too--everything from fake deaths to magic boxes.

  3. I've wanted to read The Little Prince for a long time. Maybe this'll be the impetus that actually gets to "just do it," as Nike might say.

    (Is that proper syntax for "impetus"???)

    So it was written in French, non? Interesting, given the emergence of Rousseau's science team tonight (as we suspected).

    Aaron, it would seem, is the prince referred to. Interesting. Why is Ben so interested in him? (I loved when he blatantly admitted he was stealing Aaron, by the way. :)) He's seemed pretty "special" for a long time.

    I thought tonight's episode was pretty uneventful. It felt more or less like filler--just, you know, getting us where we need to be for the next episode(s).

    I didn't read this before seeing the episode, but I'd have agreed at the time that seeing Jin's return would be a little obnoxious, and I agree now. (Great call though, Mr. Camp. :)) I felt the same way after his last near-death experience via radio at the end of Season 3. They can't keep pulling their punches.

    They said when the time travel plot began to emerge that it's important to remember that the ability to time travel DOESN'T LET YOU SAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES--because otherwise, deaths would have no impact. Well, they're running that risk anyway. :(

    That said, it's pretty cool that he's been floating around, jumping through time right along with the island. :)

    Also cool to see the hatch flash. Doing this makes you reconsider everything else we've seen happen. Like the supply airdrop.

    When we first saw the new wreckage--and the french airline water bottle and what not--a couple of we Bowdoin folks thought that maybe, just maybe, they'd travelled far enough into the future that the Oceanic 6 had made it back.

    Mr. MacDonald, we saw no evidence to confirm your nosebleed theory tonight... but also not a heck of a lot to contradict it. I have been wondering what would happen if one of them came across their past self, and whether that's "allowed" and all.

    So Desmond, in the Constant, was getting nosebleeds because he lacked a constant. It would seem that all these guys have constants--each other. Maybe that doesn't count? And this is PTT, not CTT. So--different situation, same symptom. Interesting.

    Daniel proposed it was related to the amount of time spent on the island. Or that is has to do with your internal clock. So, including the constant, we now have three variables in the nosebleed equation. (Hehe fake math.)

    I was momentarily intrigued when Charlotte momentarily didn't recognize Daniel, a la Desmond not Sayid.

    Now we have evidence that Miles might've spent time on the island, of course. We know Daniel has. We suspect Charlotte might've, thanks to all her "looking for the place I was born" stuff. And there's gotta be SOME reason Matthew Abaddon was so adamant to Naomi about his 4 picks for the science team. So what about Frank? And what's he up to these days? (Whatever/whenever "these days" might mean....)

    And finally--I *REALLY* like the Locke as Jacob idea. I don't totally get how it'd work, but it's definitely very intriguing. It's very cool to think that we might've already encountered our Season 5 time-travelers in Seasons 1-4. Locke's obviously special. Is he special in that he's the successor to Adam/Richard/Widmore/Ben/Jacob/Horace? Or is he even *more* special?

    On an unrelated note--what're the chances the other two people in this photo matter?


    I can't resist guessing that the background one is Ms. Hawking.

  4. I was a little excited that Jin was back because he is one of my faves and it is sad that they pulled the punches but I think it could be since he knew the boat was going to blow and he was off the island in the real world, thus being part of the everyone needing to 'get back to the island' business, which would be kind of hard to do were he a mere pile of ashes at the bottom of the ocean. Any ideas as to the Ajira business and whether or not they were the ones shooting at the islanders right before Sawyer's funny "Praise the lord! I take that back!' comment

  5. Wow apparently this week's wasnt worth writing about/people are cray busy (oh the joys of midterms)

    Ok so I thought they brought Jin back the most legitimate way that they could. Are we assuming that he was the only one form the freighter that survived though? According to lostpedia, ajira is an airline company made by abc whos motto is destiny calls, same as season 5.


    hard to say what they'll be. potentially we could meet new people form "the future" if they jump back or something.

    i really liked this episode even though once again, it was hard to concentrate with duke bball losing (side note, i know you all want to watch lost on wednesday but watch the duke carolina game and root for duke! :D)

    i really liked Rosseau's group being there. I like that theyre going back to season one stuff its really comforting but also a nice refresher. The only thing is I feel like I need to rewatch season 4 and pay more attention to who met who because I forget that Dan & co. didn't meet a lot of people on the island....and may not be able to? I dont exactly get that but oh well.

    I got a huge smile when Juliet's nose started to bleed. My friends told me I was a horrible person. I was talking to my friend about her he thinks she is hot. He thinks her eyebrows are hot. I severely judged his taste in women for this.

    MacD, the idea with getting close to yourself is cool. I don't know if I'm convinced yet but it's a possibility.

    Maybe Miles has spent time on the island in the future? I dont know I was trying of think of how he might have spent more time on the island or something. Or if his spirit was born there or something (crazy medium stuff I dont really get but thats ok)

    wow this post is pointless i just wasnt liking how few there were

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Liz is right, but it was a tough episode; it set up a lot of things, but there was almost nothing conclusive in there.

    I think I've only got two things to contribute:

    1) Why hasn't someone pulled Juliet aside, shined a flood light in her eyes and given her the third degree? Are they all just blinded by her hot eyebrows? It's clear that she knows much more than she says, so she seems really valuable, but they never get much out of her.

    2) I reread "The Little Prince" (in English, since my French is way too rusty), and it's a pretty great little story. I scanned Wikipedia for more info about it and found this passage about what led the author to write it:

    "On December 30, 1935 at 14:45, after an 18 hour and 36 minute flight, Saint-Exupéry, along with his navigator André Prévot, crashed in the Libyan Sahara desert en route to Saigon. They were attempting to fly from Paris to Saigon faster than anyone before them ever had; and all for a prize of 150,000 francs. Their plane was a Caudron C-600 Simoun n° 7042 (serial F-ANRY). Supposedly, the crash site is located in the Wadi Natrum. Both of them had survived the crash, but they were then faced with rapid dehydration in the Sahara. Their maps were primitive and ambiguous. Lost in the desert with a few grapes, a single orange, and some wine, the duo had only one day's worth of liquids. After that day, they had nothing. Both men began to see mirages, which were quickly followed by more vivid hallucinations. Sometime between the second and the third day, the two were so dehydrated that they stopped sweating altogether. Finally, on the fourth day, a Bedouin on a camel discovered them and administered native dehydration treatment that saved Saint-Exupéry and Prévot's lives."

  8. Yeah, this episode was slow, I thought, and somewhat predictable. I think it's setting up for, hopefully, a great one this week.

    The Little Prince info is great. I'm going to read it, and hopefully it becomes part of my course!

    I have a question that I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around, so if anyone can explain it, that'd be great:
    All the off-island stuff is three years later, but Locke, Juliet, Sawyer and company are (time travel excluded) going through their current scenarios three years prior to the off-island stuff, right? So, that means that Locke et al will have been toiling on the island, perhaps going through time changes crazily every a few hours or so, for another three years till Jack and crew return. Am I right about that time issue?

    The nobody paying attention to Juliet point is important. As I've always asserted, she knows more than she lets on and she still is going to have a huge role in what's going on.

    I also agree, that Jin's return was a legitimate way, if they were going to do it at all.

    Also, I was annoyed that Sun didn't kidnap Aaron, just 'cause I thought that's where that story arc was going: that she was going to get revenge on the Jack and Kate, not solely Ben. But, it looks like from the ending and from the previews that she is only after Ben, and, of course, he's got the Jin card, so Sun's whole bad-ass stint has really been for nothing.

  9. A Good Theory I Heard in School Today:

    The canoe/boat that was shooting at Sawyer and company was actually themselves from a different time. You deliberately couldn't see who was in the other boat and they were shooting like wild (as our characters are all wont to do)

  10. I'm a HUGE fan of the shooting-at-themselves theory.

    "All the off-island stuff is three years later, but Locke, Juliet, Sawyer and company are (time travel excluded) going through their current scenarios three years prior to the off-island stuff, right?"

    They began going through their ordeal 3 years before the "3 years later" stuff, yes. But at this point I don't think you can "exclude" time travel. They are no longer moving through time in any sensible pattern.

    So, while 3+ years of Normal Time (aka Jack & co. time) will elapse before any reunion, we have no idea how much Locke & Co. Time will elapse before that same moment. Locke & Co. could suffer for a week before they happen upon the time when they reunite, or they could suffer for... well... an eternity!

    (Heck, the canoe/boat shooting at Sawyer & Co. could be the Oceanic 6!)

    Of course, Locke will soon be going off-island. Will he stay on crazy-flashing Locke & Co. Time, or revert to Normal Time? Because Locke & Co. Time does *NOT* appear to be Island Time. Interestingly, the island itself seems to still be stuck to Normal Time.

    And yet, we know the island disappeared, from the POV of the outside world. Who knows where/when it went.


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